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Competition Introduction Modules

Coaches in the Competition - Introduction (Comp-Int) stream usually have previous coaching experience or are former athletes in the sport. They are work with athletes and teams taht are club based and competing in regional and provincial competition.

Athletes in the Competition – Introduction (Comp-Int) context are moving from the FUNdamentals to the Learning to Train and Training to Train stages of Long-Term Athlete Development.

The Competition – Introduction context consists of six modules, focused on training coaches who are working with athletes in the learning to train and training to train stages of long-term athlete development. There are no prerequisites to take Competition-Introduction, and you do not have to take the modules in any order. 

The six Competition Introduction modules can be offered stand alone, or grouped small workshops. You do not have to take one workshop before you take the other. Please check your Sport Specific pathway to see what Competition Introduction Multi-sport module you need to complete a trained or certified status.


Read below for more information about the modules.